Eat the frog with a Pomodoro.

Aashir Abbas
1 min readApr 16, 2021

Pomodoro is one of the finest technique to kill your procrastination. I have applied pomodoro technique to complete my online course and it really helped me to achieve my goal. At first I thought it would be difficult to follow but it wasn’t that much difficult because the technique allowed us to take a short break after 25 minutes and due to this methodology it was easy to follow.

So I used this technique to complete my online course. I started my course in the evening and with the help of pomodoro I completed it in one day and killed that frog. My experience in following this technique wasn’t quite difficult because in breaks I used to do workout and stretching which helped me to stay active and energetic. It helped me to achieve my goal in a short limit of time otherwise if I would be going with the flow it could take more time to complete. I plan to put this technique in achieving my due works and finishing university assignments. For getting better experience I would be putting my mobile on airplane mode to not get distracted from notifications. It is like a divide and conquer technique which allows you to complete your work on time by reducing the distractions.

